Daily Update 11.22.13

Daily Update 11.22.13

Nov 22, 2013 by Brentt Eads
Daily Update 11.22.13

Today’s week-ending update includes the news that the ASA 16U GOLD Nationals will go head-to-head with PGF 16U Nationals… and one Arkansas coach is not happy about it.  Speaking of PGF, we’ll be at the Early Thanksgiving Camp/Clinic later today and look at who’ll be there.  We profile a Calif. standout who’ll stay relatively close to home and have more recruiting notes to pass along…




Whitney Burks of the Vienna Stars signs with Stanford on Wednesday.
Whitney Burks of the Vienna Stars signs with Stanford on Wednesday.
Good friends Zamari Hinton (left) and Anessa Kaylor sign with Sacramento State and San Jose State, respectively, as Hall of Fame Coach Mary Jo Truesdale of Sheldon High watches. Note: see our profile of Anessa below.
Good friends Zamari Hinton (left) and Anessa Kaylor sign with Sacramento State and San Jose State, respectively, as Hall of Fame Coach Mary Jo Truesdale of Sheldon High watches. Note: see our profile of Anessa below.
Tori Lettus from Woodinville High (Bothell, Wash) is one of six in the first Montana signing class.  She plays for the Washington Acers 18 Gold team.
Tori Lettus from Woodinville High (Bothell, Wash) is one of six recruits in the first Montana signing class. She plays for the Washington Acers 18 Gold team.
Taylor Wilson from East Lincoln (S.C.) signs with North Greenville Univ., a fath-based school just north of Greenville SC Photo by Lincoln Times News
Taylor Wilson from East Lincoln (S.C.) signs with North Greenville Univ., a faith-based school just north of Greenville, S.C.  Photo by Lincoln Times News.




We got a letter this week from an Arkansas club coach unhappy that the newly announced ASA 16U GOLD Nationals in 2014 will take place the same week as the PGF 16U Nationals.

Here’s what the coach had to say:


2014 PGF 16U & ASA 16Gold Nationals scheduled same week!!

Teams like the Tennessee Fury 16U squad, which finished second at ASA in 2013, will have to choose between ASA and PGF as both Nationals will run the week of July 20, 2014.
Teams like the Tennessee Fury 16U squad, which finished second at ASA in 2013, will have to choose between ASA and PGF as both Nationals will run the week of July 20, 2014.

Well, ASA has passed a new 16U Gold Division and their plans are to host it near same site as ASA 18U Gold thinking college coaches could easily attend both. However, ASA 18U Gold Nationals is scheduled July 20-26 in OKC and they’re saying same dates for 16U Gold at TBA site (hearing in Oklahoma since 18Gold is in OKC). That just happens to be the dates for PGF 16U and 14U Nationals.

I’m not sure ASA is as up to date on the happenings throughout the travel ball industry as they think they are or if they’re still living in “Fields of Dreams” and believing that “people will come, Ray” because it’s ASA.

Our team is based close enough to Oklahoma that we would have definitely considered doing both ASA 16Gold and PGF 16U this year. And I think many other top teams would have considered the same. There were several who did both this past summer with both being in Cali back-to-back weeks. But they’ve eliminated that option.

So now the week of July 20-26, 2014 there will be 64 teams at PGF 16U Nationals, 48-64 16U teams at ASA 16U Gold Nationals. Then you still have USA/ASA 16A Nationals the following week, which ASA doesn’t allow teams to play more then one Nationals in a season, so that will be the leftover teams who do not Qualify for ASA 16Gold and maybe some East-Coast 16U teams who Qualify PGF will also choose to play it since its in Virginia.

So, now we all have to make a decision and so do the college coaches. Thanks ASA!!


I (Brentt) reached out to the ASA to get their response and received the following note written by Chris Sebren, Director of Championships for ASA/USA Softball (thanks to him and the ASA for taking the time to respond):


ASAChampLogoASA/USA Softball passed the 16-Under GOLD at the request of our teams and membership from all regions of the country.  We felt it would be a great idea to have the 16-Under GOLD and 18-Under GOLD in close proximity so that any college coaches or the USA Junior Women’s Selection committee that attended would have the opportunity to scout players at both events.

We will continue to evaluate our program and how we can make it better, however right now we have to do what’s best for ASA/USA Softball and the teams that play in our program. 

The great thing about college recruiting is the fact that colleges can have multiple coaches out recruiting at the same time.  So teams who only have the opportunity to play in one event will still have the opportunity to be seen by colleges who actually attend both tournaments.


Unfortunately, it looks like top 16U teams will have to decide where they’ll want to play but at least they have some time to look at what’s best in their own case.

-– Brentt




Mike Stith
Mike Stith

The weather looked shaky yesterday, but all signs indicate the PGF Early Thanksgiving Camp/Clinic is on for today in Irvine, Calif.

There are 164 girls set to work out under the tutelage of Mike Stith, the OC Batbuster coach whose 18U team finished second at the 2013 PGF Premier Nationals.

Some participants, such as 2015 OF/2B Hannah Uhler, are coming from as far away as New Jersey.

Here’s a list of the confirmed players.

We’ll be there today and will report back with news and photos over the weekend as well as follow the huge showcase, the Early Thanksgiving Showcase, running through Sunday.





Anessa is an example (ahem) of a player who filled out our Recruit Form link and had some interesting things to say enough to merit a profile.

Anessa holds the trophy her team won for winning the PGF Platinum title in 2013.
Anessa holds the trophy her team won for winning the PGF Platinum title in 2013.

For example, she said as to why she committed to San Jose State: “I wanted to stay somewhat close to home and play at a big university. San Jose State is one of the biggest universities in California and I liked the urban atmosphere. Coach (Pete) Turner was the first to ”notice” me and really believed in my abilities and thought I could be really good. I want to help San Jose State build a great softball program. I’m looking forward to a big senior year and really make people notice what I can do with the bat. I’ve worked hard in 2013 in preparation for the 2014 season. I feel as though because of a late break out that I am underrated by many outside of my local area.”

Her other offers she says were Texas Tech, Nevada, Utah State and San Diego, adding: “I verballed early as a sophomore so I can’t remember the others.”

Here’s more on this likeable senior who’ll be one to watch next spring…


Grad Year: 2014
Pos: shortstop
High School: Sheldon High (Sacramento, Calif.)
GPA: 3.5
Club: Strike Force 18 Gold
Stats: high school (2013, jr. year): .489 ave., seven runs, 14 doubles, 40 RBI; club: .442 ave., 10 home runs, 33 RBI
Honors: 1st team All City, Sacramento Bee All-Metro, 1st team Delta River All League, All State nominee
College: San Jose State

 *** How did the Spartan coaches come across you?
Anessa Kaylor: I was first seen at a San Jose State camp in September of my sophomore year.  I received an offer right away but financially our family needed more.  After another San Jose camp a month later, they increased their offer significantly. When did you decide to commit and what led into the decision?
AK: I decided to verbally commit January 1st to start off the New Year positively.  Although I was only a sophomore I felt it was the right fit and I loved how Coach Turner believed in me at such a young age.  I also fell in love with the campus and I’ve always wanted to go to a big school.

Anessa Kaylor is one of the top hitters in Northern California and will be an All-State candidate in 2014.
Anessa Kaylor is one of the top hitters in Northern California and will be an All-State candidate in 2014. How did you tell the coaches?
AK: I told Coach Turner over the phone. Describe your emotions around telling them… what was going through your mind?

AK: I was excited to call him and give him the good news. I also felt like I was starting a new chapter in my life. How far away from home will be?  Was distance a factor in your decision at all? 
AK: I will be two hours away from home.  This was a huge factor in my decision because of all the support my family can still give me, while also enjoying the college life away from home.  What do you think (or have others said) are your strengths as a softball player?
AK: My consistent bat and swing people seem to comment on a lot.  Also that I have a lot of power for how small I am, especially lately since I have increased my home run totals. What’s been a top memory or two for you in your softball career? 
AK: Winning the CIF Section championship in 2012 for Sheldon High School. Also Winning PGF Platinum National Championship with Strike Force this past summer as we had a great ending to our season.  We had a tough year and we came through at the end.  Most of my other memories are some timely hits against top level pitchers, names upon request (laughs).


Quick Hitters (short answers)

What do you want to major in?

Fill in the blank… I’m happiest when:
… I’m at a buffet!

Favorite place in the world:
Cabo San Lucas

What’s something unusual or different about you that few know?
I write poetry

How would your friends describe you in one word?

With Thanksgiving coming up, what are you most thankful for?
Family and friends that I have

If you were stranded on a desert island and could only take one thing with you, what would it be?
A lighter

The Holidays are fast approaching, what’s the No. 1 gift request you have in for Santa?
A car

Other than family, who’s your hero or someone you look up to most?
My freshman year I looked up to Shelby Wisdom who now pitches at UC Santa Barbara.  She was the team captain my freshman year and my mentor at Elk Grove High School before I transferred.




*** Thanks to a reader who’s close to the Batbusters-Fox 18U team out of San Diego who send us the following list of players committed on that team (some have different teams associated with them in our Master Verbal List which we’ll update soon):v

Batbusters-Fox 18’s – You may have some of these already and some came from other teams but are now playing for this team

2015       Julie McDonald                 P             San Diego State
2015       Sierra Altmeyer               INF         UCSB
2015       Shelbianne Evans           C              San Diego Christian D111
2015       Laura Curry                       OF          Texas Arlington
2015       Brianna Burchanti         INF         Texas Arlington
2015       Sydney James                   OF           Cal Poly
2014       Megan Leyva                     P              DePaul
2014       Tiana Miller                       3B           Illinois of Chicago
2014       Haydn Christensen         2B           DePaul
2014       Cassidy Clough                  SS           Ohio State


*** Ashley Madsen, a 2014 outfielder who plays for the Wisconsin Lightning 18U Gold, is headed to Washington Univ. in St. Louis, a Div. 3 school that ranks in the top 10 universities nationwide for academics.

She turned down DI and DII offers because she wanted to focus on academics, specifically Biochemistry as part of a Pre-Med program.


*** More verbals:

— OF Brittany Cruz (2015, West Texas A&M)… plays for Texas Bombers
— C Arden Jobe (2015, Georgia St.)…plays for Georgia Impact-Pauly
— P Kenya Lindstrom (2015, Pacific)… plays for Colorado Stars Gold
— C/SS Allison Medlin (2014, Louisiana-Lafayette)…plays for Louisiana Blast
— 3B/C Brittany Nollkamper (2015, Louisiana-Lafayette)…plays for Sudden Impact Gold (Texas)
— IF O’Neil Roberson (2017, Mississippi St.)…plays for Birmingham Thunderbolts
— OF Jaqui Switzer (2016, Florida)…plays for Georgia Impact-Pauly



Players, parents and coaches:  want to know the best way to get us info on your favorite player?  Fill out our Recruit Form link and complete.  It comes directly to me (Brentt) and you very likely could see the info used somewhere on our site!




If you’d like to submit information, forward to  Also, follow us on twitter at @SS_Softball.