Daily Update 11.19.13

Daily Update 11.19.13

Nov 20, 2013 by Brentt Eads
Daily Update 11.19.13

Today, we have more signing photos and also return to profiling club teams with a great story from Tennessee involving a daughter who has created an organization honoring her father.  We next profile a player in the Southwest who’s staying close to home and have some other fun recruiting updates…





Cori Jennings of the Tennessee Fury signs with Tennessee-Chattanooga.
Cori Jennings of the Tennessee Fury signs with Tennessee-Chattanooga.


Batbusters San Diego teammates show their school colors - Cassidy Clough (Ohio State), Megan Leyva (DePaul), Tianna Miller (UIL) and Hayden Christensen (DePaul).
Batbusters San Diego teammates show their school colors – Cassidy Clough (Ohio State), Megan Leyva (DePaul), Tianna Miller (UIL) and Hayden Christensen (DePaul).
McKenna Arriola of the OC Batbusters-Haning team shows off all her Oregon State gear.
McKenna Arriola of the OC Batbusters-Haning team shows off all her Oregon State gear.
Reunion of five players from the 2011 16U PGF National Championship Firecrackers-Blanco team signing their NLIs. Krystal Gutierrez (St. John’s), Dani Garcielita (North Carolina), Nicole DeWitt (Florida), Tera Blanco (Michigan), and  Amanda Sanchez (Missouri) with their 16U coach Jeff Blanco.
Reunion of five players from the 2011 16U PGF National Championship Firecrackers-Blanco team signing their NLIs. Krystal Gutierrez (St. John’s), Dani Garcielita (North Carolina), Nicole DeWitt (Florida), Tera Blanco (Michigan), and Amanda Sanchez (Missouri) with their 16U coach Jeff Blanco.
Alexis Barkwell of the So Cal Fury Gold-Goodacre team signes with Dixie State.
Alexis Barkwell of the So Cal Fury Gold-Goodacre team signs with Dixie State.




In the early 1970’s, the late Danny Trussell of Chattanooga, Tenn., envisioned a competitive softball team built from local talent with the ability to compete on a national level.

Like any vested father, at the center of his heart was having his daughter, Tonia being on that team.

Danny was the owner in a group of family restaurants named Country Place.  It was only fitting that the name of his softball team be the “Country Place Illusions” and the Tennessee team he build become a very competitive team that qualified and played in ASA National Tournaments throughout the United States.

Team Illusion taken at the Colorado Fireworks where the team finished second. Tonia Trussels Martin is on the far right.
Tennessee Illusions team photo taken at the Colorado Fireworks where the team finished second. Tonia Trussel Martin is on the far left (with glasses) with assistants Annette Edwards (center) and Deana Graham (far right).

Tonia not only played on her father’s team, she developed into one of the top softball players in the Volunteer State and went on to play at Georgia Southern University.

As her love and passion for the game grew, she dreamed of coaching travel softball with her daddy.

Unfortunately, that never happened a Danny developed brain cancer and died in 1992.  However, Tonia’s dream never died.  After her mother’s death from breast cancer in 2004, the former softball star shared with her husband, Millard Martin, her dream of coaching competitive travel softball.

“I couldn’t have done this without the support and love that my husband has shown me,” Tonia (now Tonia Trussell Martin) says.  “He gave up competitive bass fishing for us to do this together and make my dream a reality.”

After two years of discussion the couple decided to fulfill Tonia’s dream.

The next year was spent scouting rec ball players to locate the best talent in Middle Tennessee.  In August 2007, a tryout was held and a team was selected.  The team was named the Tennessee Illusions in memory of her father’s team, the Country Place Illusions.

Seven years later, the Tennessee Illusions has grown into one of the top teams in Tennessee and competes on a national level.  Two of the players that were selected in August, 2006 still play on the team: Heather Norris, who just signed with Austin Peay and Haley Bearden, who has verballed to Tennessee-Knoxville.

And there will be others who soon will finalize their college choices.

“Several of the girls are listed as uncommitted but Savannah Mercer, Kelsie Craighead, Ashton Stowe and Madison Lacy, at the minimum, will be committing before the end of the year and signing their NLI in the spring.”

The 2013 team completed its season with an overall record of 67-15-3 while competing in top showcases throughout the Southeast and upper Midwest highlighted by a second place finish at the Colorado Fireworks tournament in July.

Their coach explains that when building a team the coaches aren’t looking for just talent but a well-rounded person on and off the field.

“It is our desire to recruit great young ladies who are good students with a passion to play fastpitch softball at a very competitive level,” explains the coach.  “The team, however, is made up of players who not only possess tremendous athletic ability but are also great students and citizens in their communities. I feel like I’m challenging my girls to be the best they can be because that is what my dad taught me and my teammates when I was younger.  He also taught us to be winners and and I try to teach my girls the same thing. We also try to share with our players that faith, family, education, attitude  and then softball is where our importance lies.”

Today, the Tennessee Illusions program has expanded to four teams with the original Tennessee Illusions-Martin 18U Gold team along with Tennessee Illusions-Hargrove 16U, Tennessee Illusions-Eakes 14U, and Tennessee Illusions-Woodard 12U.

Martin reveals there’s another reason she’s very close to her players.

“I was never able to have children,” she says.  “I don’t have any kids of my own on the team, but these 14 girls are like my own and I dearly love them.”

And she frequently thinks about her father and how he prepared her for a life in softball.

“My father spent countless hours with me,” Tonia remembers. “I can still picture him hitting ground balls to me at shortstop.  I would get so mad at times because I could never understand why he would hit them so hard to me and not the other girls.”

“Over the years, I know that he was challenging me and making me the best player he could. I don’t know where I would be today without the love of softball in my life.  I owe everything I know about this game to my dad.”

“I remember all of his signs to this day and I use them with my team.   Even though he’s not here coaching by my side he’s with me in spirit and I know he’s always watching over me.  I think he and my mom are very proud that Illusions’ name is back.”


Here’s a player-by-player look at the Tennessee Illusions-Martin team with comments by Head Coach Tonia Trussell Martin:

Kelsie Craighead
Kelsie Craighead

— 2B/OF Kelsie Craighead (2014, uncommitted)
“Kelsie has great range with exceptional defensive skills. She has surprising power as she led the team in home runs.”

— P Ashton Edwards (2014, North Alabama)
“Ashton exhibits great competitive spirit. She pitches with outstanding control and was named Class A Miss Tennessee Softball.  She hits for average and with power. ”

— C Madison Lacy (2014, uncommitted)
“Madison has a strong arm and hits for average.  She was All-State the last two years in Georgia 2AA and led the state in home runs in 2012. ”

— P Savannah Mercer (2014, uncommitted)
“Savannah works extremely hard and is an excellent pitcher who throws in the 60’s.  She has great spin and location with her pitches and possesses great power at the plate.”

Heather Norris
Heather Norris

— P Heather Norris (2014, Austin Peay)
“Heather is a perfectionist.  Hard work and dedication earned her the Tennessee Miss Softball in Class 3A.  She is approaching 900 strikeouts after three years at the high school level.  Heather is also a superb hitter with long ball power.”

— OF Ashton Stowe (2014, uncommitted)
“Ashton’s game is speed.  She possesses great range in the outfield and carries with her a very strong arm. Ashton’s a tremendous threat on the bases.”

— C/1B/OF Haley Bearden (2015, Tennessee-Knoxville)
“Haley is the complete player: size, speed, quickness, power, strong arm and the list goes on.  She’s also a coach’s dream!  Watch for this kid to be an All-American one day.”

— OF Kelsi Dickey (2015, uncommitted)
“Kelsi possesses unbelievable speed and has a cannon for an arm.  She is a dream player in the outfield and is a catcher’s nightmare.”

Kelsi Dickey
Kelsi Dickey

— P Morgan Gailor (2015, uncommitted)
“Morgan throws a strikeout change-up and has great spin and location.  She hits with long ball power at the plate.”

— OF Brooke Graham (2015, Tennessee-Martin)
“Brooke is a vacuum cleaner in the outfield.  If it’s catchable, she will get it. Brooke has great speed with tremendous base running knowledge.”

— 3B Cheyanne Mercer (2015, uncommitted)
“Cheyanne is fearless at third base.  She has a deep passion and love for softball and works her heart out to become better.”

— UT Demi Pationis (2015-uncommitted)
“Demi can play anywhere. She has a great work ethic and possesses a strong love for the game.”

Brooke Graham
Brooke Graham

— 3B/1B Shelby Woodard (2015, uncommitted)
“Shelby is athletic, has a strong arm, big bat and is a late bloomer.  She’s becoming a total threat at the plate.”

— OF/SS Erin Parker (2016, uncommitted)
“Erin works extremely hard to become better and is very competitive. She’s a great contact hitter with a very high on-base percentage. Good speed is also coming her way. “





Giselle Juarez
Giselle Juarez

Grad Year: 2016
Pos: Pitcher/Utility
High School: Mountain Ridge (Glendale, Ariz.)
Club: Arizona Storm Mizuno 16U – Kennelly/Tyler
Honors: Starting varsity player as a freshmen, 2nd team All-Conference
College: Arizona


StudentSportsSoftball.com: Tell us how you were first seen by the coaches, then how long til offered?
Giselle Juarez: I worked extremely hard before I was seen. My dad always emphasized my need to prepare because you never know when an opportunity will present itself. His favorite thing to say to me is, “Don’t get mad, practice.” So guess what I did? I practiced five to six days a week to prepare for the opportunity to place myself in front of these coaches.

I was first seen in 2012 at a camp. I was new to pitching so it was my goal to show how hard I’ve worked and developed the next time Arizona saw me, which was a year later. In 2013, I signed up for a clinic because I knew Coach (Mike) Candrea and other coaches were going to be there but they couldn’t talk to the athletes.

A week later, the Elite Prospect Camp at the UofA gave me the opportunity to compete against the best in the country. I felt like I left it all on the field and I was the best “me” during that camp.

Finally, I went on an unofficial visit and I knew from the Elite Camp by talking to the players and seeing the campus that this is where I wanted to compete. Softball is marathon not a sprint, work hard and good things happen.


SSS.com: When did you decide to commit and what led into the decision? 
GJ: I have always known I wanted to be a Wildcat.  Everything I’ve been working for, from the coaches—Jody (Miller) Pruitt, Becky (Lemke) Blatnick, Hank Salcido (his aughter, Stephanie Salcido), Rocky Parra (and his daughter Sussie Parra)—all who have taught me the game, to an early unofficial visit to UofA with my Uncle Albert when he played basketball there for a tournament, have lead me to this point.

The deal was sealed, when I met Alicia Hollowell at the 2012 camp. I took to her coaching style and I knew by looking at her college stats (she holds records that exceed even Jenny Finch’s) that she is the best of the best and is knowledgeable with a lot to offer. I know Arizona is a place where I can learn and grow as a person and athlete. Coach Candrea also reminded me there is life after softball through the UofA program and they have the best on-campus resources available.


SSS.com: How did you tell the coaches, in person, on the phone, on an unofficial visit?
GJ: I told the coaches at the end of an unofficial visit.


SSS.com: Describe your emotions around telling them, were you more nervous or more excited?
GJ: I was nervously excited, but I didn’t realize the magnitude of my journey until I got to the top of the stairs where I just broke down because I realized how much effort I had put into getting to this moment. But don’t get it twisted, this is only the beginning. From that moment, I set new goals, so I have a lot more work ahead of me.


SSS.com: How far away from home will you be?
GJ: Fortunately for me, Arizona has two of the top ranked softball programs in the nation within driving distance.  I knew I wanted to compete and learn at the highest level and Arizona offers a great balance of both and I knew that by talking to the athletes at the Elite Camp.


After committing to Arizona, Giselle admitted breaking down crying at the emotion of the moment but quickly said, "I know I have a lot more work to do and believe me, I am grinding!"
After committing to Arizona, Giselle says she broke down crying at the emotion of the moment but quickly added, “I know I have a lot more work to do and believe me, I am grinding!”

SSS.com:  What do you think (or have others said) are your strengths as a softball player?
GJ: Coach Candrea said I have a heavy ball. I was blessed to be born intelligent, left handed (because both of grandmothers are left handed), tall and with power. But more than the physical attributes, I try to be the best person and teammate I can be. I’m not a comedian but if I see fellow teammates that are down, for whatever reason, I try to make that one moment better for them.


SSS.com: What’s been a top memory or two for you in your softball career?
GJ: Top memory, my high school varsity team was in a semi-playoff game, there was a foul ball hit toward first base, I tracked it right into the fence and pole for the out. I went down hard, bruised my jaw (glad I had my mouthpiece in) and scratched both my arm and ribs. What I learned is to always go hard and never let up, play like it’s the last out of the championship game every time, everything matters all the time. We lost that game but it was a great lesson.

Second top memory was verballing to UofA. It hit me like a ton of bricks after saying goodbye to the coaches after my unofficial visit. I was walking with my parents on the top level of the parking garage in Tucson, then suddenly it hit me and I started to cry because I realized at that moment my hard work was paying off. I know I have a lot more work to do and believe me, I am grinding.


SSS.com: What are your thoughts on playing for Coach Candrea, one of the legends in softball?
GJ: Overall, I feel like I am stepping into a GREAT school and softball organization. All of these coaches breed success. Coach Iveson and Coach Holloway are former stud athletes of Coach Candrea’s and they have a wealth of knowledge to share. I am extremely excited at the thought of playing for the Olympic coach. I think it’s amazing to be able to play for him plus it doesn’t hurt that he reminds me of my father. He’s one of the best coaches out there and he wants me to play for him… I’m speechless. He’s a fantastic person and is going to be like a second father from what I have heard from current and former players of his.


Quick Hitters (short answers)


What do you want to major in?

Fill in the blank… I’m happiest when:
… I’m on the field working with my dad.

Favorite place in the world:
… with my family.

What’s something unusual or different about you that few know?
I write my goals and self-affirmations on my mirror with a dry erase marker and when my friends come over I erase them.

How would your friends describe you in one word?
Shunny = shy but funny.

With Thanksgiving coming up, what are you most thankful for?
My dog, she’s getting old.

If you were stranded on a desert island and could only take one thing with you, what would it be?
My dad–he’s my biggest fan, spark of wisdom, my catcher, my inspiration, my kind word, my mirror to hold me accountable, and my most nurturing embrace.

The Holidays are fast approaching, what’s the No. 1 gift request you have in for Santa?
I would like Santa to find me the purple and white, Easton Stealth Speed.

Other than family, who’s your hero or someone you look up to most?
Muhammad Ali.



*** Each day, more teams in our Top 25 Recruiting Classes release their signing lists/bios… today’s includes Oregon State, Texas A&M, Boston College and Tennessee-Chattanooga.

Click on the link above to see those who have information available on their new signees.




*** Gabby Sprang, a 2017 pitcher from Rosemount, Minn. and a member of the Minnesota Renegades and Georgia Impact, committed to Tennessee this week.

Already 6-foot tall, she drew raves after her May, 2013 workout at the OnDeck Minnesota tryout.  She’s also a lefty as you’ll see in the photo from the Rosemount TownPages.


*** Brianna Viles, a 2015 outfielder from Chino Hills, Calif. and a member of the Cal Lite team has committed to DePaul.


*** Naomi Dickerson, a 2017 pitcher for the So Cal Athletics-Quarles team, has committed to Penn State


*** Finally, in our Daily Update 10.08.13, we profiled the So Cal Choppers-Ziese/Shipman team… two of those players have committed this week—here’s their info along with comments by Jim Ziese on each from that write-up:

— OF Megan Smith (2016, San Diego State)
“Megan is an outstanding centerfielder who has the ability to run down balls you’d think would never be caught.  She’s a lefty slapper with good speed and also is an excellent bunter. Megan is visiting San Diego State and has interest from UC Santa Barbara.”

— P/1B Alyssa Loza (2016, Arizona State)
“Alyssa was our No. 1 pitcher this summer and pitched outstanding at Premier.  She’s a true game and wants the ball anytime she can have it.  Alyssa has an outstanding screwball and wicked off-speed curve.  She has interest from a large number of schools.”




Players, parents and coaches:  want to know the best way to get us info on your favorite player?  Fill out our Recruit Form link and complete.  It comes directly to me (Brentt) and you very likely could see the info used somewhere on our site!




If you’d like to submit information, forward to brentt@studentsports.com.  Also, follow us on twitter at @SS_Softball.