Daily Update 12.27.13

Daily Update 12.27.13

Dec 27, 2013 by Brentt Eads
Daily Update 12.27.13

It’s been a while since we’ve been to Florida so we check out a top club team in the Sunshine State that has produced two players currently on the USA Nationals Team.  We then go up the East Coast to profile a multi-sport standout who will leave the South to play in the Big Ten.  We also announce an event that is for a great cause and hope you will support it and finish with a Letter to the Editor that’s very relevant to an article we put up earlier today…




What’s in a name?

When it comes to a high-profile softball program—like the So Cal A’s, the Firecrackers and the Batbusters—being tied to the right “brand” can bring attention, respect and recruiting exposure.

UnknownIn the East, a club team’s name that carries significant clout is Wagner’s, which goes back three decades to a Maryland politician who lent his name out to local softball and baseball teams.

For a long period of time, the Maryland Magic was the “feeder” program to the Wagner’s top team, meaning once the younger Magic players got to be Gold level age and/or ability they’d become a Wagner’s player.

In 2008, Wagner’s was put on the national map when Head Coach Reese Kiple led the young team into ASA Nationals with two future U.S. National team players in Lauren Gibson and Kourtney Salvarola grabbing center stage.

Incidentally, Kourtney, a senior at South Florida, is also Reese’s daughter.

“In our very first game,” Kiple remembers, “Lauren led off and got on base and Kourtney hit a two-run home run and we beat the So Cal Choppers.”

Wagner’s would go on to finish 17th that year and 9th the next year and soon young players from all over the East would be interested in playing for Coach Kiple’s team.

Kourtney Salvarola then...
Wagner alum Kourtney Salvarola then…

It also didn’t hurt that one of the top East Coast powers, the Virginia Shamrocks led by Tommy Orndorff, was winding down as the coach would retire in August of 2010.

About that time, an interesting thing happened to the Wagner’s organization: Coach Kiple would relocate to the Tampa, Fla. area to watch his daughter play for the Bulls.

“We only live only five minutes away from USF and they play their first 30 games in the Tampa/Clearwater area so we get to see them play a lot,” he explains.

So what does that do to the running of the Wagner’s club organization?

Interestingly, look for the elite team to have more East Coast players than Florida ones.

“One of my coaches, Jerry Williams, lives in Virginia,” Kiple continues, “and another one, Ben Machamer, is in Pennsylvania even though their daughters moved through the program, so we’ll get back to our roots and get more players in diverse states.  We also have a recruiting coach in Paul Shipper.”

“We’re young right now, only one 2014 with most being ‘16’s and ‘17’s and will likely go more into Maryland and Virginia where we started.

... and Kourtney Salvarola now (at South Florida). Photo by gousfbulls.com
… and Kourtney Salvarola now (at South Florida). Photo by gousfbulls.com

The coach explains this satellite approach isn’t new for the program, which has played players at schools all over the East including Drexel, James Madison, Marshall, Pitt, Seton Hall, South Florida, Virginia and Virginia Tech.

“That’s the way it’s been the last four years anyways.  Our make-up is such that we have players from four or five different states like Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Delaware.  We’ll get the players together the best we can—hold practices in smaller groups where they live—and then fly in a day early before a tournament and practice all together.  I’ll also fly up to the Mid-Atlantic often to be involved with their practices.”

“It’s not a perfect situation, but the days of the neighborhood team getting together are probably gone.”

Recently, the flagship Wagner’s team was sponsored by an apparel and equipment company in Maryland called Sports 55 so the team that finished tied for ninth last year at ASA GOLD Nationals was “Wagner’s Sports 55.”

Coach Kible and daughter Kourtney
Coach Kiple and daughter Kourtney

After this summer, though, Kiple was approached by an Orlando-based uniform, shoe and apparel producer named 3n2 and the 2014 version of Wagner’s will be “Wagner’s 3n2.”

“They’re right up the road so they’re convenient and will take care of us.  I told them I’m not looking for a free ride, I just want them to give us a good product and help us have good equipment so we look and play at our best.”

There are two other prominent Wagner’s programs still playing competitively today: Wagner’s M/G out of Maryland and Wagner’s Dunn, which made it to the ASA GOLD National Championship game in Florida last summer.

A self-admitted ASA guy, Coach Kiple tends to stay as close to home as possible saying, “I try to give my parents the cheapest budget I can.  I’m not trying to make money or anything to pay off a mortgage!”

One major event you’ll find Wagner’s 3n2 next July will be the Triple Crown/USA Nationals held in Georgia.

And there’s a decent possibility a famous face will be in the dugout helping coach the latest Wagner’s array of talent.

“I’ve had discussions with Kourtney to help me coach,” Reese laughs, “but you never know with young people if they’ll stay close to home anymore.”


Here’s a player-by-player look at the Wagner’s 3n2 team with comments by Head Coach Reese Kiple:

Rebecca Shipper
Rebecca Shipper

— OF/C Rebecca Shipper (2014, University of Florida)
“Becca is a coach on the field, she is one of the smartest kids I have coached and a player you hate to lose. She will take her knowledge and work ethic to Gainesville next fall where Coach Walton is getting a special young lady.”

— SS/2B Kristen Ball (2014, Valparaiso)
“Kristen joined us last fall and saw limited action. She will have to fill a much bigger role this summer. The team is young and her experience will be counted on to help the progress of the young players.”

— P/OF Brooke Hutto (2015, Stetson)
“Brooke is just simply a winner. She gives us a chance to win every game she pitches. She has persevered through so much adversity and continues to prove the doubters wrong. She has great mechanics and continues to improve daily. She will be one of our team leaders.”

— OF Ivey Wagner (2015, Cornell)
“Ivey is the straw that stirs the drink. She creates havoc and just finds a way to get on base. A tenacious student and that tenacity are also seen in her play in the outfield. Ivey will run through a fence for you.”

Ivey Wagner
Ivey Wagner

— SS/2B/OF Savannah Wood (2015, James Madison)
“Savannah will join Wagner’s in January and comes to us as the complete athlete. Savannah is a five-tool player with incredible athletic ability and high softball IQ. She may be one of the best unknown talents on the East Coast. She has great speed 2.6 home to first and can change the game with one swing. We look for her to add stability to our middle defense and hit in the middle of our lineup.”

— C/1B Shelby Stegmaier (2015, uncommitted)
“Shelby is a tough competitor and has improved throughout the fall behind the plate. She swings a big bat that has colleges noticing. Shelby joined us in the fall and was probably the most improved player.”

— SS/2B/3B Amelia Gamarra (2015, uncommitted)
“Maya is one of the most versatile kids we have on the roster. She hits from both sides of the plate as well as slaps and has one of the liveliest arms on the team. I would feel comfortable playing her in most positions on the field.”

— P/1B Natalie Helmick (2016, James Madison)
“Natalie is the type of player every coach dreams of coaching. She has worked herself back from Tommy John surgery last April and has greeted this challenge with a smile—there is no doubt she will return to form. Natalie saw limited action in the fall, but the results were all positive. We look for Natalie to join Brooke as a formidable one-two punch this summer. No player has worked harder to realize her dream.”

Natalie Helmich
Natalie Helmich

— OF/1B Sommer Grzybek (2016, uncommitted)
“Sommer was a new addition to our team this fall.  She’s super smart and on defense has great range and instincts.  Sommer also has one of the sweetest swings. She has great size and speed and has gained tremendous knowledge from her former major league dad Ben. All these traits lead to us expecting her to be a high level D1 player.

—1B Haley Simonds (2016, uncommitted)
“Haley is as strong as an ox and has tons of power. She is still realizing her full potential and we are waiting for her to have a monster summer.  She’s solid on the corner defensively and is a great kid; she’s always smiling and joking around.”

— OF/3B Cana Davis (2017, uncommitted)
“Cana is one of the most talented young players to join Wagner’s. She has an undeniable love for the game of softball and an unquestioned work ethic to prepare for the next level. Cana has great bat speed and the ball explodes off her bat. She continues to improve in the outfield, making her a multi-tool player. She has potential to be one of the best players to come through the organization.”

Cana Davis
Cana Davis

— C/OF Riley McCarthy (2017, uncommitted)
“Riley is the newest member to Wagner’s. She comes to us from a solid travel background in Northern Virginia. We expect Riley to step in and have an immediate impact on our pitchers and defense. She also has great hitting mechanics and will help us offensively. We as coaches are excited to get Riley on the field in January.“

— P/1B Arleigh Woods (2017, uncommitted)
“Like her sister, Arleigh will join Wagner’s in January. They both come to us with solid travel ball resumes. Arleigh was introduced to Gold level play last fall and looks to continue her ascent. She has a wealth of pitches that she continues to refine and good velocity (59-60). Arleigh will add youth and depth to our pitching staff.

— 2B/OF Anna Grace Wagner (2018, uncommitted)
“Anna Grace isn’t big, but plays like she’s 8-foot-10.  She has a chip on her shoulder and a little bit of a mean streak. We call her T-ball because she is all out all the time. She brings great energy and lots of talent to our team. If I had 10 of her we could beat anyone. Though she is the youngest player she has already garnered interest from some of the top D1 programs.”

— P/1B Alyssa Ball (2017, uncommitted)
“Alyssa is a young pitcher that has taken the challenge of stepping up to the Gold level. We expect her to make huge strides this winter and be a reliable member of a young staff. Alyssa is a big kid with huge potential. Once she realizes her untapped talent she will be a force to reckon with.”




Grad Year: 2015
Pos: shortstop
High School: Northgate High School (Newnan, Ga.)
Club: Atlanta Vipers-Loveless 18U Gold
Honors: Softball: All State, All Region and All County, Defensive Player of the Year (back to back); Basketball: All Region and All County; Track- State Finalist and Rookie of the Year: Georgia high school softball State Champion; PGF National Champion
College: Michigan State


Ebonee has won major honors in softball, basketball and track.
Ebonee has won state honors in softball and track as well as regional honors in basketball.

StudentSportsSoftball.com: You’re a three sport athlete, competing in softball, basketball and track.  Talk about the sports and what you love about each and why you continue to compete in all three.
Ebonee Echols: Softball is the love of my life and there’s nothing else I’d rather be doing. With basketball, as bad as it hurts me to say it, this will probably be my last year competing. I will be focusing more on getting ready for college. I do love the competition it brings and the roar of the crowd. In track, I love the adrenaline rush it gives me, when I’m racing down the track. It also helps keep me in shape for softball.


SSS.com: You’ve won a state championship in Georgia high school ball… how exciting was that to win it all?
EE: Being able to share that moment with my true friends, family, community, and Northgate High School was something very special that I will never forget.


SSS.com: You’ve also made it to state in track, tell us about that and how individual accomplishments compare to team success…
EE: I made it in both an individual event and a team event. I enjoy the team event because I enjoy sharing accomplishments with my teammates. The individual events are motivating because I know I’m on my own win or lose. When all eyes are on me, I definitely want to do well.


SSS.com: How did the Michigan State coaches first find you and then how long until you were offered?
EE: They watched me play at PGF in California, in July, and I was offered in November when I made a visit.


Ebonee has accomplished the rare feat of winning a state title and national club championship.
Ebonee has accomplished the rare feat of winning a state title and national club championship.

SSS.com: When did you decide to commit and what led into the decision? 
EE: I committed that next month, in December. When Coach Jacquie [Joseph] first approached my coach, she told him that she loved the way that I play. After visiting and meeting the staff, I fell in love with Coach Jacquie, Coach Jessica [Bograkos], and Coach [Charles] Fobbs. The campus and the new stadium were beautiful, and the food court was amazing.


SSS.com: You’ve played softball since you were four… what are some of your earliest, perhaps funniest, memories of when you first started playing?
EE: When I was four I was playing in the pitcher’s circle and with bases loaded the girl hit a line drive into my stomach. I picked the ball up, ran home tagged the girl out, then rolled over and started crying.


SSS.com: How far away from home will you be?  Was distance a factor in your decision at all?
EE: I’ll be 11 to 12 hours away from home. Distance wasn’t a factor because I was always told to pick a school that would ensure my success after softball. I feel that getting a degree from Michigan State does just that.


SSS.com:  You are strong in all areas of your game, from defense, to speed, to hitting for power… what are you most proud that you can do on the field?
EE: When teams play me as a slapper and I’m able to drive the ball over their heads.


SSS.com: What’s been a top memory or two for you in your softball career?
EE: Definitely winning the PGF national championship, hitting a grand slam at the high school state championship and committing to be a Michigan State Lady Spartan.


Quick Hitters (short answers)


What do you want to do after your softball career ends?
I’m torn between coaching and nursing.

Fill in the blank… Nothing makes me more happy than: ________
… family.

The Georgia standout has been so busy with sports she's yet to attend a music concert!
The Georgia standout has been so busy with sports she’s yet to attend a music concert!

When I want to get away and relax, I like to: 
Lay in bed and listen to music.

What’s playing in your headphones right now?

What’s something unusual or different about you that few know?
I hate when people touch me with their feet

What’s the last concert or show you went to?
I’ve never attended one. I play three sports year ‘round so it’s kind of hard to fit that in.

If you were stranded on a desert island and could only take one thing with you, what would it be?
I’d take my phone.

What was your No. 1 gift request this year for Christmas?

What’s your No. 1 goal/New Year’s resolution for 2014?
I want to become a better leader on and off the field, and win another national championship!

Other than family, who’s your hero or someone you look up to most?
I look up to Coach Lee Golden, my high school track coach. He pushes his athletes and pushed me. I’d never run the 400M and my first year competing in that event, I made it to state.





Fort Carson Shootout*** If you read our piece on Christmas called What Christmas Means to Me, you saw that the very last item was from Sergeant Terry Pitts in the military who’s also a coach with the Colorado Springs Thunder 14U team.

Sergeant Pitts and the Thunder will be putting on a tournament in April to raise money and awareness for the National Wounded Warrior Project.

We applaud this great effort and want to provide the link to the Wounded Warrior Project site where we can make donations to the team to help them reach their goal of $5,000.

Says Sergeant Pitts: “This link was set up by the National Wounded Warrior Project for us (Colorado Springs Thunder).  All proceeds immediately go to WWP, but count towards our goal.”

“Thank you so much for helping our girls reach their goal, but more importantly helping our nation’s heroes.”


Also, here’s info on the tournament:

The Colorado Springs Thunder team
The Colorado Springs Thunder team

PURPOSE: Raise at least $5,000 for the Wounded Warrior Project
AGE GROUPS: 10U, 12U & 14U
DATES: APRIL 26 AND 27, 2013
LOCATION: FORT CARSON (Fort Carson, Co off of Victory Loop
COST: $450.00.  If you played in the OCT tourney price $400.00
FORMAT:  3 Pool Games/Double Elimination; five game guarantee
PAYMENT DUE: First come, first served. Max – 8 teams per division
Full payment for all is due by March 1, 2014
START TIME: All teams must be ready to play on APRIL 26 , 2014 at 8:00 A.M.
DEPOSIT: $200 needed to save your spot.  Play your roster.
CONTACT: e-mail Terry Pitts @ terry.l.pitts3.mil@mail.mil





This morning we ran the first of a two-part article I wrote called “The Early Recruiting Dilemma” about how the issue is impacting not just softball but many high school and club sports.

A parent of a daughter, who was committed until a coaching change impacted the relationship between athlete and school, wrote and shared some thoughts about this subject.  With permission, here is the text of the letter with the name changed…


Hi Brentt,

I saw the article on the website about the early recruiting dilemma.  As you know, this hits close to home for us.

We felt the pressure of verballing early as “Jane” was offered a full tuition scholarship last June to a well-respected academic university.  Who wouldn’t accept? What we didn’t anticipate was the coach leaving the following fall.  The new coach came in with a totally different agenda than the previous coach.  I am sure she is under pressure to be competitive right away and for Jane, the result was less scholarship money than was previously offered under the old coach.  We felt that this wouldn’t be a good fit for her, so we walked away.

The article offers us some solace as when this happened to us, we felt that we were the only ones in the world this happened to.  It sounds like this is becoming more and more common.  And now, we are desperately trying to “dig out” and become marketable once again to other coaches.

I’ll be honest, we still haven’t recovered from this.  Jane is still very hurt from this experience and I am worried about her motivation going forward.  She had worked so hard since she was 10 years old on her game for the one chance of being recruited by a Division 1 school.

After she verballed, she knew her hard work had paid off and she saw the results.  What more would a parent want than to see a life lesson in hard work produces results?  However, the shock of “de-committing” has really challenged her resolve and ours.

My wife and I are very skeptical of any adult that is associated with softball and trust comes with greater scrutiny.  We have never felt so alone in our 7 years of fastpitch softball.  I just hope we can all find the determination to get back in the game.

Thanks again Brentt.  I just wanted to share my two cents about early recruiting.  We are just like many parents that are trying to figure out this recruiting thing as we go.

Best Regards,
A concerned parent


 Players, parents and coaches:  want to know the best way to get us info on your favorite player?  Fill out our Recruit Form link and complete.  It comes directly to me (Brentt) and you very likely could see the info used somewhere on our site!



If you’d like to submit information, forward to brentt@studentsports.com.  Also, follow us on twitter at @SS_Softball.