Player Profile: Hailey Baker (4/9)

Player Profile: Hailey Baker (4/9)

Apr 9, 2014 by Brentt Eads
Player Profile: Hailey Baker (4/9)

Today’s Player Profile is an interesting one: we spotlight a freshman pitcher from Illinois who committed to a school in Florida before throwing her first high school pitch… read on to learn why!


Hailey says one of her favorite softball moments was when she found out she made the Illinois Chill.
Hailey says one of her favorite softball moments was when she found out she made the Illinois Chill.

Grad Year: 2017
Pos: pitcher
High School: Prairie Ridge (Crystal Lake, Ill.)
GPA: 3.4
Club: Illinois Chill 16U
College: Florida Gulf Coast


*** I understand you have a connection to Florida Gulf Coast… Tell us how what that is.
Hailey Baker: Florida Gulf Coast is my home away from home. My grandparents and my great grandparents both live 20 minutes from campus. I went to camp when I was 12 and immediately fell in love with the school and softball program. I’m looking forward to having family at my games cheering me on even though it’s 22 hours away. Being a freshman, did you plan on looking around more or did it become pretty clear FGC is where you wanted to go?
HB: I had my heart set on FGCU. I had a few back up plans, but FGCU was always No. 1. I knew that if I ever got the chance to be an Eagle, I would jump on it right away. When did you decide to commit and what led into the decision?
HB: I decided FGCU was the place for me when I was 12, I just needed to make it happen. When coach DD (David Deiros) asked me to be a part of the program, I knew right away. Sun, family, great coaches, high energy, and an amazing elementary education program made my decision very easy. How did you tell the coaches you wanted to play for the Eagles… in person, on the phone, on an unofficial visit?
HB: I went on an unofficial visit to tour the campus and have lunch with the coach on campus. The opportunity of becoming an Eagle was brought up in person over lunch. We told them we would think about it, although in my head the decision was clear. Three days later I called coach DD and committed to play for FGC.


When she committed to FGU, the pitcher was so excited her hands were shaking!
When she committed to FGU, the pitcher was so excited her hands were shaking! Describe your emotions around telling them, were you more nervous or more excited?
HB: I was overjoyed while on the phone with Coach DD. My hands were shaking, but not because I was nervous, I was so excited! I couldn’t wait to tell him. You said you’ll be 22 hours from home, although close to grandparents and other family in Florida… was distance a factor in your decision at all?
HB: My Midwest family is a big part of me, but I always knew distance wouldn’t be an issue. I wanted to play ball in the sun. I will still have family that will be at every game even though it’s so far away, which is a dream. My grandparents, great grandparents and aunt are some of my biggest fans.  Earning a scholarship affords my family the opportunity to travel and continue to watch me play.  What is it about your game, would you say, makes you a college level  softball player?
HB: I would say mound presence and movement. I keep my composure and love to cheer on my teammates. I want to be the first to give every high-five coming off the field. I don’t get rattled easily, and love to work on spins. What pitches do you throw and what’s your go-to pitch when you absolutely need a strike?
HB: I throw fast, change, curve, and drop. My go-to pitch would have to be my curve. Sometimes I purposely turn my hand over while throwing my curve to get a drop effect at the end to really trick the batters. I’ve learned to spot my curveball, depending on the batter and where they are standing. What’s been a top memory or two for you in your softball career?
HB: One of my favorite memories is being coached by my parents growing up. My mom pitched in college, and my dad just loves to have fun. My second favorite memory is the moment I found out I made The Chill. I was so excited to be apart of an elite program.


Quick Hitters (short answers)


What do you want to major in?
Elementary Education.

Fill in the blank… I’m happiest when:
… I’m in the circle.

The Illinois talent says she's happiest when in the circle.
The Illinois talent says she’s happiest when in the circle.

What do you think is the No. 1 issue in the world today?
Unhappy people.

Favorite food:

Least favorite food:

Favorite place in the world:
Fort Myers beach (Fla.).

What’s your dream vacation?

What type of bat do you use (and why do you like it)?
Xeno. I don’t usually bat, but when I do, I love the pop on the bat and the sound it makes.

Who always makes you laugh?
My Grandma Diana.

What’s something unusual or different about you that few know?
I’ve been to Costa Rica twice

How would your friends describe you in one word?

If you were stranded on a desert island and could only take one thing with you, what would it be?
My best friend.

What’s your No. 1 goal for the rest of this year?
To reach out to people in need.

Other than family, who’s your hero or someone you look up to most?
I look up to my catchers. Both my high school catcher and my Chill catcher are such team players and always have a positive attitude. We have unbreakable bonds and I know they have my back.