Player Profile – Arden Pettit (4/25)

Player Profile – Arden Pettit (4/25)

Apr 25, 2014 by Brentt Eads
Player Profile – Arden Pettit (4/25)

Today’s Player Profile takes us to Florida where we profile a senior who is a stand-out athlete in two sports and will be going cross country to play softball…


Arden began playing varsity softball in the 6th grade!
Arden began playing varsity softball in the 6th grade!

Grad Year: 2014
Pos: Catcher/Shortstop
High School: The Benjamin School (Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.)
Club: Rock 18 Gold
Stats: (softball) – all-time school leader in nearly every offensive category with .500+ career batting average; (basketball) – five year starter, began playing varsity in 8th grade, and scored 1,000th point of career this year
Honors: Softball – been a varsity starter since 6th grade; six-time All-County (grades 7-12, including 2nd team 7th grade and 1st team grades 8-12); three-time All State (grades 10-12): Basketball – varsity from grades 8-12), All-County (grades 8-12 including 2nd Team junior and senior years)
College: Stanford

*** You’ve played varsity softball since the 6th grade which is very rare… what was that like playing against girls as much as six years older than you?
Arden Pettit: Initially I was intimidated playing with older girls, but the players on the team treated me like their little sister and made my transition to varsity very easy and enjoyable.


Giving up basketball to play softball was very hard for Arden.
Giving up basketball to play softball was very hard for Arden. You recently finished playing basketball competitively for the last time as you will now focus on softball… what was that like, hanging up it for good in a sport you’ve played for a while?
AP: It was very difficult. Basketball is something I love to do and I have formed great memories and friendships over my basketball career. It was almost harder on basketball senior night than softball senior night because, as you said, I’m done playing basketball forever. With this being said, softball is my passion and I’m excited to focus all my time on continuing to grow as a softball player. How did you end up playing for the Rock (Pa.) club team and how does it work being on a team out of state like that?
AP: My connection to Rock comes from my good friend Kylee Hanson who was the pitcher for Jupiter High School and now plays for Florida Atlantic University.  My old club team, Crossfire, disbanded for a time and Kylee reached out to me about Rock. My parents and I had never thought about playing for an out of state team, but Rock is a top travel program and the high level of competition is something that has really benefited me. In the summer I travel to all of our tournaments on the weekends and come back to Florida during the week. While in Florida I train with my softball friends who are home from college. It’s a unique situation, but it has been a great experience for me so far. How did Stanford come to find you and how did the recruiting process go to when they officially offered you?
AP: Stanford first saw me at a showcase tournament in Colorado the summer after my 8th grade year. We had contact the whole next year and they invited me to their elite prospect camp the following summer (after 9th grade). At this camp the head coach, John Rittman, said I was a good fit for the program athletically and the next step was an academic review. After passing the academic screening, I was officially offered a softball scholarship on July 3rd 2012 going into my junior year. When did you decide to commit and what led into the decision?
AP: I committed as soon as I was offered. I knew Stanford was the place for me the first time I stepped on campus, for the elite camp. The combination of academics and athletics was exactly what I was looking for. Any concerns about going from one side of the country (Fla.) to the other (Calif.)?  At least you’ll still be near an ocean!
AP: This is a frequently asked question, but I really am not concerned with the distance. It will take some adjustment, but I am 100% comfortable with where I am going and I know the support system at Stanford is great. The three hour time difference is probably my biggest concern.


A highlight of committing to Stanford was this cookie cake!
A highlight of committing to Stanford was this cookie cake! Describe what it was like to sign… did you and your family do anything fun to celebrate?
AP: It was a surreal feeling. After waiting for what seemed like forever and then finally signing my NLI, it encapsulated all the hard work I had put in over the years to reach my goal of playing softball in college. My friends and family have been incredible support systems along the way and are big reasons why I am where I am today. To celebrate we went out to dinner and my parents surprised me with a customized cookie cake.  What are your strengths as a softball player?
AP: As a softball player my defense is my biggest strength. Catching is my favorite thing to do and I have been known to shut down other teams’ running games with my strong arm and quick release. I am also a consistent hitter who hits for average and has a high softball IQ. What’s been a top memory or two for you in your softball career?
AP: This past summer we played and edged out a tight 2-1 win in the 2013 ASA Gold semi-final game. Another softball highlight was signing to a school like Stanford to spend the next four years of my life.


Quick Hitters


What will you major in at Stanford?
I’m going into my freshman year undecided as advised by my Stanford counselor. They encourage us to take classes and discover our passions instead of rushing to declare a major. I have interests in economics and entrepreneurship.

Fill in the blank… The best thing in life, in my opinion, is: ______________
Spending time with my friends and family.

What do you think is the No. 1 issue in the world today?
Managing the rapid pace of change throughout the world.

Favorite class (academically)?
Currently AP Literature.

The one thing in life you just couldn’t get the hang of:
Drawing. My fine motor skills could use some work.

The talented catching prospect says Paris is on her bucket list of places to visit.
The talented catching prospect says Paris is on her bucket list of places to visit.

If you could go anywhere in the world for a weekend, where would it be?
Paris. I’ve never been to Europe, and Paris looks beautiful.

What’s the craziest thing you’d admit to having done?
Having a dance party on the top of our high school dugout.

What type of bat do you use (and why do you like it)?
I use a Louisville Slugger Black Xeno. In my opinion, it is the best bat out there. It is balanced throughout and the ball feels great coming off the bat.

Do you have a superstition or ritual on the softball field?
I always wear a colorful thin Under Armor headband and tap my bat on the plate, the same way, before every pitch.

What’s something unusual or different about you that few know?
I love to snow ski and wakeboard on the water. I also have a newfound passion for cooking and baking.

How would your family describe your personality off the field?
“A combination of chill with tons of swag,” according to my dad.

In one word, describe your feelings about high school coming to an end soon…

What’s your No. 1 goal for the rest of this year?
Enjoy a lot of time with my friends and family and live each day in the present. Don’t rush to the future; enjoy what is in front of me.

Do you see yourself as a role model?
I do see myself as a role model. I know how important mentors were to me growing up, and I hope to provide that same kind of support and good example for others.