Kailey McDaniel decommits… and why (10/14)

Kailey McDaniel decommits… and why (10/14)

Oct 14, 2014 by Brentt Eads
Kailey McDaniel decommits… and why (10/14)

It’s not an easy thing to do—falling in love with a school at one point only to have to tell the coaches that you are no longer intending to come.

Kailey is going through the recruiting process for a second time and the interest has definitely increased.
Kailey is going through the recruiting process for a second time and the interest has definitely increased.

In the case of Kailey McDaniel, the talented 2016 middle infielder for the California Grapettes – Gomes team, she fell in love with tBoise State and the city of Boise, Idaho but has told the Bronco coaches she’s no longer committed (although BSU is still in the mix).

I spoke with Kailey last Saturday at the Surf City Fall Showcase after one of the Grapettes’ games to find out where she is in the recruiting process and where things stand now as she’s starting to get increased attention from ACC, Pac-12 and SEC programs.

Here’s more on the infielder whom Head Coach Dennis Gomes describes as a “big-time player, one who can play at a very high level.”


FullCountSoftball.com: Talk about the recruiting process and how it has gone for you…
Kailey McDaniel: I committed to Boise State on November 1 last year, which was the fall of my sophomore year. I was also looking at San Diego State and Arizona, but liked what Boise State had to offer—the coaches, the deal that was offered me and I really liked the city. I just felt comfortable there.

FCS: So what led to decommitting?
KM: Well, the coaches left and I saw it was more of an opportunity to get my name out there again, to see what would come up and what would happen if I went through the recruiting process again. I’ve always dreamed of playing in the College World Series and maybe there’s a school out there that will best help me realize that dream.

FCS: Where do you stand with Boise State… are they still in the picture?
KM: Yes, in fact they’ve offered me a better deal and I’d be covered no matter what happened. Plus, I love the coach so they’re still an option.

FCS: Are you concerned or scared about putting yourself back out there?
KM: No, I have a lot of support from my family and coaches. Now, I’m more in the driver’s seat and I know what the process is like and what to do. I see it as being more of a positive than a negative in that I’m getting recruited all over again. There are a lot of doors opening and I’m fortunate to be in this position.

FCS: What colleges are looking at you now?
KM: At the top of the list would probably be Alabama. They’re hoping to see me more; they can’t get here—in California—a lot which is the only problem although I they should be able to see me in Florida at the Sun Classic and in L.A. at a Surf City tournament. There are others like Arizona, Georgia Tech and the schools which recruited me before like Boise State and San Diego State.

FCS: What’s your timeline for committing?
KM: The ideal would be to commit when the fall is over, but if there’s something I love before then I would commit in the middle of the fall season.

FCS: Your recruiting is obviously picking up… what are the schools saying they like about you?
KM: They tell me they like my leadership and range at shortstop. I’m a power lefty and am working on my speed, which is probably above average right now.

Quick Hitters

What do you want to major in?
I’m thinking of a couple of things like communications, like sports communications, or possibly coaching.

Fill in the blank… I’m happiest when:_________________
… I play softball.

What do you think is the No. 1 issue in the world today?
I think it’s what society expects everyone to conform to in looking or acting a certain way.

Favorite food:
Ice cream… and potatoes every possible way—baked, mashed, French fries…

Least favorite food:
Raw onions.

Favorite place in the world:
Montana… my grandparents, an aunt and uncle and cousins live there.

What makes you the most happy?
Friends and family.

A "good luck charm" that Kailey wears is this bracelet given to her by her aund.
A “good luck charm” that Kailey wears is this bracelet given to her by her aunt.

What’s something unusual or different about you that few know?
My passion is photography.

How would your friends describe you in one word?

If you were stranded on a desert island and could only take one thing with you, what would it be?
An unlimited amount of potatoes!

Do you have any softball superstitions or rituals?
I always have to wear this bracelet my aunt gave me during the recruiting process. She gave it to me to help me relax and remember that everything will work at. It brings me good vibes, it was made by a Cherokee woman.

Team you love to hate:
The Lakers.

What’s your “guilty pleasure,” something you hate to admit you love?
Mocha almond fudge ice cream.

If you could have a super power, what would you want it to be?
Reading minds, though only when I’d want to.

What’s playing in your earphones/buds right now?
The Temptations.

If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be?
Chris Tucker, he’s hilarious. I love him.

What did you want to be when you were little?
I wanted to work at McDonalds. I used to have a cash register I’d play with and wanted to do it for real at McDonalds.

Favorite athlete:
Lauren Young at Arizona.

Kiwi. When I was little I’d always eat a lot of kiwis in the elementary school cafeteria. I went to an after school program and all my friends called me “Kiwi.”

Something on your “must do” list:
Sky dive. And play for the USA National Team (softball).

What are your Halloween plans?
I’ll be in Florida playing at the Sun Classic. My birthday is two days before Halloween and it’s my favorite holiday by far. I love scaring people and dressing up. I’ll be in a hotel and will probably go trick or treating somewhere.