Player Profile: Brittany Allen (11/10)

Player Profile: Brittany Allen (11/10)

Nov 10, 2014 by Brentt Eads
Player Profile: Brittany Allen (11/10)

Today we spotlight a freshman from California who, as you’ll see from her college choice, is not afraid to be far from home. She’s following some other elite players recently from Southern California who have fallen in love with a coach and program that is at the pinnacle of college softball success.

And this profile is a great one, as you’ll reach about a new development she’s thankful for that may improve the life of a sibling as well as thousands of people in the world…

Brittany has been on teams which won three national championships in the last two years!
Brittany has been on teams which won three national championships in the last two years!

Name: Brittany Allen
Grad Year: 2018
Pos: shortstop/third base
High School: Norco (Calif.)
GPA: 3.5
Club: So Cal Athletics – Quarles                                             
Stats: Hit .667 in 2013 PGF National Tournament and a combined .456 in 2014 PGF and ASA National Tournaments with 2 home runs and eight doubles. In ASA Nationals, hit .552 (21-for-38).  
College: Florida

*** You’ve played on teams that have won three national championships: (So Cal A’s-TO won TCS and PGF 12U in 2013; So Cal A’s-Quarles won ASA 14U this year)… what do you see in these teams and yourself that made them champions?
Brittany Allen: Last year, for TO, we played 14U all spring and were extremely competitive so when we played 12U for TCS and PGF, our mindset was to play as well against our own age division as we did in the 14U’s. This year, when we got to ASA Nationals, we felt as though we had something to prove to ourselves. We had just been defeated in the PGF Championship game by Corona Angels – Tyson, a team we had beaten the day before and we really didn’t play to our own expectations in that game. It was hard to turn around just a few days later and get excited to play in a second Nationals tournament. I was proud of our team for battling through nine games in the last two days to win. It was a great team effort! What was your recruiting experience like—was it fun or was it stressful?
BA: It was a lot of fun! I think I was lucky to have college coaches who told me that they wanted me to make the best decision for myself and my family. They all stressed to me that they understood I was young and that, although this was a huge decision, they didn’t want to add pressure by giving me a deadline to make a decision. I’m not sure if that is the case for all players, but the coaches I spoke with could not have made it easier for me. What advice would you give to younger players going through the process?
BA: For younger players, I would encourage them to keep an open mind on every school until they are able to do their research. There are a lot of amazing programs out there, but you need to find that one that is the perfect fit for you! You’ve been a Florida Gator fan since you were 10… what was it about the SEC you liked so much at a young age
BA: The Gators have always had a very competitive team, so I’ve been able to watch a lot of their games on television. I think that they are mostly known for their hitting, but if you watch closely their defense is fundamentally sound. I love that they play hard and carry themselves with confidence. How did Florida—and the other universities—come to find out about you?
BA: I attended the Five Star Fastpitch Prospect Camp last October, which is where (Florida Head) Coach (Tim) Walton first saw me play. I also attended the Prospect Camp at ASU last November. However, I think I got the most attention this summer playing for Shawn Quarles. We played in a lot of big tournaments- winning ASA States, the New Jersey tournament, placing 2nd at PGF and winning ASA Nationals. I was fortunate to bat high in the batting order, surrounded by some amazing players, in some really big games. One of our parents counted 42 college coaches in our PGF game versus Georgia Impact – Jeffries. When did you decide to commit to UF and what led into the decision?
BA: I had already visited ASU and Northwestern this fall and I could see myself attending either school. Both Coach (Craig) Nicholson (ASU) and Coach (Kate) Drohan (Northwestern) are the types of coaches I love to play for—knowledgeable with high expectations and huge hearts, the type that really want you to be your personal best. But when I got to Florida, it just felt like home. Their softball program, along with the academics, is truly second to none and I’m not sure you could ask for a better coach than Coach Walton.

Brittany didn't take long to commit once offered; Coach Walton offered her at breakfast on her unofficial visit and she gave her verbal later that day.
Brittany didn’t take long to commit once offered; Coach Walton extended a scholarship at breakfast on her unofficial visit and she gave her verbal later that day. Walk us through the unofficial visit a week ago… what did you do? Did Tim Walton and staff offer you there or had they done so beforehand? And how and where were you when you committed?
BA: My parents and I spent all day Thursday with Coach Walton. We toured the campus and the softball stadium. We also met with a GatorVision producer, the Academic Advisor and the Nutritionist. I was able to watch practice and talk with Delaney Gourley, a fellow So Cal Athletic from California. Coach Walton offered at breakfast on Friday morning but told me to think about it and we would talk later. He then took us to The Swamp, as well as the dorms and Lake Alice. Before his practice started that afternoon, I told him that I wanted to be a Gator! I love the fact that I got to do it in person. It is a moment I will remember forever Did you do anything fun to celebrate the verbal?
BA: My parents and I drove to Orlando where my Great Aunt lives. My second cousins are all Gator alumni, so we had a big dinner with them. When I got home, I went out to eat with my parents, my younger sister and my little brother. What do you think (or have others said) are your strengths as a softball player?
BA: I practice really hard and I’m often in the batting cage in my backyard five or six times a week, even if it’s for 15-20 minutes each time. I try to concentrate on every pitch and every swing in practice, so that when I’m in the game, I can concentrate more on the situation. Talk about your softball career… of all the great team successes, which one stands out the most? And of your personal accomplishments, which one makes you most proud?
BA: I would have to say that the best moment from my teams has been the ability to make lifelong friendships on each team I’ve played for. Personally, it would be getting a hit in the 2013 PGF National Championship game with a broken ankle, although I didn’t know it at the time. I had turned my ankle in the middle of the week, but the doctor thought it was just a bad sprain. On the day of the Championship game, I asked my coach (Fernando Ornelas) if I could hit in the game. I had taken a few swings and knew that if they gave me a low, outside pitch, I could take it the opposite way and give myself more time to get down the line. I got that pitch during my second at bat and singled to left field. I limped my way down to first base and they put in a runner. When my ankle was still hurting a few weeks later, we went back to the doctor and the x-ray showed that it was broken. Since no permanent damage was done, I’m glad that I didn’t know it was broken at the time!


Quick Hitters


What do you want to major in at UF?

Fill in the blank… When I’m on the softball field, I feel no one is better than me at:
staying focused on my fundamentals.

What is the biggest issue facing your generation today?
The inability of people to think for themselves.

A first: we've never had an athlete say her favorite food was Watermelon Sourpatch Kids!
A first: we’ve never had an athlete say her favorite food was Watermelon Sourpatch Kids!

Favorite food:
Pizza and Watermelon Sourpatch Kids

Least favorite school subject:

What’s your dream vacation?
A Hawaiian cruise.

What type of bat do you use?
Xeno 34/25.

What’s something unusual or different about you that few know?
I wear a men’s size 10 ½ cleat!

How would you describe yourself in one word?

If you were stranded on a desert island and could only take one thing with you, what would it be?
Gatorade, of course!

Do you have any softball superstitions or rituals?
I like my mom to wear a necklace that has my number (#4) on it.

Other than family, who’s your hero or someone you look up to most?
I’ve had three travel coaches who I can honestly say are truly in fastpitch softball for the right reasons: the girls. Brian Jendro, Fernando Ornelas and Shawn Quarles are three of the best men you could ever hope to know. I have so much love and respect for them, and hope to always have them in my life.

Team you love to hate:
My mom always says that hate is a very strong word and I can honestly say that I don’t hate any team. But, I want to win every time I get in the field!

What’s something you’re really passionate about away from sports?
I love to read.

If you could have a super power, what would you want it to be?
Mind reading.

What’s playing in your earphones/buds right now?
Ariana Grande.

If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be?
My grandfather. He died two weeks before I was born so I’d love to meet him.

What did you want to be when you were little?
An artist.

Favorite athlete:
Malia Quarles.

Brit, Britty, Brit Brit, Britty Witty

Something on your “must do” list:
Have as much fun playing softball as I possibly can!

For Thanksgiving… what are you most thankful for?
My brother has Cystic Fibrosis. We just learned that a drug that could extend his life has been submitted to the FDA for approval and could be available for him sometime next year! As much as I am thankful for Coach Walton offering me a chance to play for the Gators, this new drug could be the key to my brother, and thousands of CF patients, living a long life.

And for Christmas/holidays… what’s No. 1 on your Santa request list?
A trampoline! We’ve had one since I was little and I love to play on there with my brother and sister. Ours just ripped so I hope that Santa brings a new one!