Class of 2021: You're on the Hot 100 Clock!

Class of 2021: You're on the Hot 100 Clock!

FloSoftball announces the schedule for the release of the Hot 100 2021 rankings!

Mar 24, 2017 by Brentt Eads
What Makes a Hot 100 Player?

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We're in Hot 100 rankings mode again after launching the Hot 100 2020 class last August and then updating the 2017, '18 and '19 classes over the last six months.

Starting May 1, FloSoftball will break new ground as we unveil the Class of 2021 which already has a dozen elite players committed to major programs like Oklahoma, Auburn, UCLA, Oregon and more.

FloSoftball has done eight grad years of Hot 100 player lists --from the Class of 2014 through the upcoming 2021 class and we've updated each of the 2015-19 classes at least once!

We'll also announce who will be the top-ranked player and those atop their classes have done pretty well so far--previous No. 1 Hot 100-ranked players included:

  • USA Softball National Team member and Oregon infielder Jenna Lilley (2014)
  • NCAA Freshman of the Year and Florida outfielder Amanda Lorenz (2015)
  • Oregon starting pitcher Miranda Elish (2016)
  • USA Softball Junior National Team member Bri Perez (2017, UCLA signee)
*** Click HERE to see all of the Hot 100 lists!

Here is the planned schedule of the two-week run when we'll unveil 10 honorees per day:


  • Mon. May 8: #'s 100-91
  • Tue. May 9: #'s 90-81
  • Wed. May 10: #'s 80-71
  • Thu. May 11: #'s 70-61
  • Fri. May 12: #'s 60-51
  • Mon. May 15: #'s 50-41
  • Tue. May 16: #'s 40-31
  • Wed. May 17: #'s 30-21
  • Thu. May 18: #'s 20-11
  • Fri. May 19: #'s 10-1
  • Sat. May 20: Hot 100 #1 Spotlight
  • Mon. May 22: #'s 101-200
  • Tue. May 23: #'s 201-300
We're just beginning the process of gathering information on players contacting club and college coaches all over the country but if you'd like to nominate your favorite eighth grader, please e-mail us at:

The deadline for submitting player recommendations is Friday, April 28 at 5 pm EST.

E-mail us supporting info such as stats, honors, accomplishments, recruiting info (commits, offers, visits, camps, etc.) and anything else to bolster the player's case.

And don't forget to send in a headshot too!

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