Players: “I love softball because…”

Players: “I love softball because…”

Oct 5, 2013 by Brentt Eads
Players: “I love softball because…”
Emily Ham pitches for the OC Batbusters Garcia 10U team.
Emily Ham

One thing we strive for at is to get the voice of the athlete regarding different subjects.  From time to time we’ll ask groups of players what their thoughts are on various topics.

Today’s question: what is it you love about softball?

We reached out to athletes in over 30 teams in the OC Batbuster organization and got their responses… here are some of the best!



I love softball because…

Brianna Betschel
Brianna Betschel

…. of the anxious feeling I get before going out to compete, how I get to travel around the country and play the game I love, of being mentored by coaches who have taught me to work hard, believe in myself and never give up and I love the pressure, being in the dug out, the sound the ball makes coming off my bat, the wins, the lessons and all friendships I have developed over the years.
— CF Brianna Betschel (OC Batbusters-Briggs 18U)


… it brings out the best person in me, gives me opportunities a lot of people would wish for, gives me not friends, but sisters, and most of all, the sport will always be there for me when other things/people aren’t (if you know what I mean!).
— P Ari Jarvis (OC Batbusters-Briggs 18U)


… it’s my answer/resolution to everything (happiness, exercise, emotional release, having fun, experiencing life to the fullest, letting go when times are hard, etc.)
— C Andi Jarvis (OC Batbusters-Briggs 18U)


Maddy Dwyer
Maddy Dwyer

… of the competition and being able to make friendships and memories with my teammates that will last a lifetime.
— P/UT Maddy Dwyer (OC Batbusters-Stith 18U)


… it has taught me to believe in myself and has given me a second home and life-long friendships.

— P Kaylee Carlson (OC Batbusters-Haning 18U)


… of the competitiveness and the friendships that I have made along the way.
— C/1B Janell Wheaton (OC Batbusters-Haning 18U)


Molly Grumbo
Molly Grumbo

… I like the challenge.
— C/3B Molly Grumbo (OC Batbusters-Stith 18U)


… I love the feeling when I get a big hit or strike someone out.
— P Chloe Nightingale (OC Batbusters-Garcia 14U)


… I get to demonstrate my passion for the game by playing with my teammates on and off the field.

Alyssa Podhurcak
Alyssa Podhurcak

— OF Alyssa Avalos (OC Batbusters-Marinacci 14U)


it’s fun and I have a chance to compete with girls who love the game as much as I do.
— SS Alyssa Podhurcak (OC Batbusters-Briggs 14U)


… it is very competitive an I love competing and winning against other teams.
— 3B/1B/CF Karinna Renteria (OC Batbusters-Mauga 12U)


Audrey Sellers
Audrey Sellers

… it’s the best sport in the world.
— C/1B/3B Audrey Sellers (OC Batbusters-Bracamonte 12U)


… I want to have a future in softball: I want to play in high school, college, and maybe even the Olympics.
— P Lacie Ham (OC Batbusters-Gardia 10U)