Daily Update 12.10.13

Daily Update 12.10.13

Dec 11, 2013 by Brentt Eads
Daily Update 12.10.13

Today, I (Brentt) respond to a letter from a reader in regards to the direction and philosophy of this site… see if you agree or disagree (no wrong opinions here!).  We spotlight a player from Calif. going to the SEC and hear from a softball great who is high on a 2015 player.  We also report on a Georgia standout pitcher who won a state title and announces where she’ll go to school…




We get comments on the site and lots of them.

In the last couple months, we’ve had 1,712 reader comments on content we’ve posted, be it a verbal list, even recap, photo gallery, player blog, video piece… you get the idea.

One came in this morning from a reader named Mark that caught my eye.  Here it is:

Your site is ok but it seems to be more of a site where every aspiring D-1 player in the country can send in a promotional script about themselves and you publish said script verbatim. I would like to see more reporting with stories written by real reporters than promotional pieces written by players or their travel ball coach.

Now, let me first say I’m not upset by this—there’s a lot of truth to what he says—and I think it’s a good opportunity to define what the site is, what the purpose is and where I see it headed… and a lot of it has to do with your input.

Does this site have too much content from the players?
Does this site have too much content from the players?

More on that in a second.

I do get content every day from players, parents and coaches telling me about their athletes.  I’m not going to hide or shy away from that because I encourage it.  I want the softball community to be the eyes and ears of what’s going on and what’s interesting. Yes, it may be self-promotional but you’d be amazed at what good stuff comes from what people send and have to say.

I learned a long time ago that when the community has input, you’ll get the pulse of what is going on and the market will dictate what they want the content to be.

It’s how I get story ideas, honestly.  Take the Tara Trainer story that went up this morning (Tuesday, Dec. 10).  This lead came from Glen Widner of the Ohio Lasers Black who wrote, “We have a player that just recently committed to Indiana to play softball…. I thought she might be someone to do a profile on.”

I asked some questions and was introduced to Tara, her mom, Robin, and several around her including coaches and trainers.  I think it made for a compelling story.

As to the point about taking “promotional script” from a player and publishing “verbatim,” I wish… you would not believe the hours I spend editing!

But, again, I want the athletes talking and, based on feedback from our readers, you do too.  I send them questions to answer or do phone interviews but most importantly, I try to make it about the athlete in her words.

And that’s the key—the point of the site is to let the athlete speak, be it from profiles, blogs or video interviews, this site is to promote the fastpitch players’ voice.

I tell people all the time our mission is to “honor and celebrate the club and high school athlete as she takes her journey through softball.”  It’s about her and for her.  We as adults get to watch, enjoy and appreciate their talents, work ethic, senses of humor, dedication, improvements, sacrifices, successes and, yes, sometimes their failures.

Because that’s what sports does—through wins and losses, triumphs and failures, it develops young women and promotes life lessons.

Am I all wet here?

Personally, this is why I love the sport and the people so much!

As to the point about having real reporters do stories (I’m assuming more human interest or research-based articles is what is meant), let me say that I do that when possible but it takes a lot of time… time I’d rather be doing stuff like player and team profiles, to be honest!

The Hot 100 for the 2014 class took between 60-65 hours I calculated, from compiling, researching, producing and editing the text to searching for photos, cropping and posting them.  Lot of work.

Another example: later this week you’ll see a piece I wrote on “Early Recruiting” that will be published across all Student Sports sports verticals.  It is softball focused but ties in football, baseball, basketball and soccer as well.  It took a lot of time to research that and to track down people to interview and that took me away from stuff like club profiles.

But enough of that… here’s the main reason I’m writing this: what do YOU want this site to be?  The cool thing is I can make it be whatever you want, as time and resources allow.

Right not there is a lot of “promotional script”-type content because the club events are slowing down and it makes more sense to focus on the athlete.

Come January, we’ll be focusing a ton on high school play including launching the FAB 50 high school rankings (click here to see the final rankings from 2013 which were compiled just as we started the site up again in the summer).

Then, we’ll get into travel ball as the summer approaches.

In the meantime we’ll continue to interview everyone from college coaches to event organizers and everyone in between.  One thing I’m excited to try out soon is to put a GoPro camera on an athlete in a game/practice/showcase and shoot video of action!

Want to see something cool?  Check out this baseball GoPro of a player who’s going to UCLA and will be a top draft pick: A Day in the Life: Josh Morgan.

I’d love to do stuff like this and plan on doing it.

So, thanks for letting me ramble and feel free to chime in with what you’d like this site to be.

We’ve made great strides in only a few months and I see 2014 being an amazing year!

Brentt Eads





Last week we report on how the Auburn win over Alabama in football had an impact on one player’s commitment… here’s more on this talented freshman and what she’s like on and off the field.

Livy visited Auburn earlier this fall.
Livy visited Auburn earlier this fall.

Grad Year: 2017
Pos: Centerfield
High School: The Bishop’s School (San Diego, Calif.)
GPA: 4.0
Club: Batbusters-Fox 16U
Stats:28 Game Fall Season: this .521 with .575 on-base percentage and 37 Hits, 20 steals and 28 runs
Honors: 5th at 2013 PGF Nationals (pick-up player for Team Mizuno Briggs, 9th at 2012 PGF Nationals, ASA Nationals in Alabama (Sun Devils)
College: Auburn


StudentSportsSoftball.com: Last week we reported how your mom said if Auburn beat Alabama she’d OK you going there… tell us about that….
Livy Schiele: The truth is, my mom was coming around because she knew how much I wanted to go to Auburn.  I visited other schools like she wanted me to but my heart was still at Auburn.

SSS.com: You were at the ASU camp where Clint Myers noticed you and then found out shortly after he’d be leaving to go to Auburn.  What was your reaction to everything when that happened? 
LS: I was shocked, I’m sure like everybody else when I found out Coach Myers was going to Auburn.  But I didn’t mind that it was Auburn because I was in Alabama for Nationals about three years ago and while I was there I toured Auburn University and I loved it!  I also knew I wanted to play for Coach Myers because I want to play for a National Championship. He’s a great coach no matter where he is. I was even more excited when I found out Coach (Scott) Woodard was joining him at Auburn.

Livy Schiele in her Batbusters-Fox uniform.
Livy Schiele in her Batbusters-Fox uniform.

SSS.com: You sounded pretty sold on Auburn on your official visit in October.  What did you like so much about the school when you tripped there? 
LS: I had never seen anything like the school spirit they have at Auburn and everybody there is so friendly.  The whole town of Auburn revolves around Auburn University and its athletics.  We went to the Ole Miss football game and got to experience the Tiger Walk and after they won everyone headed to town to toilet paper Toomer’s Corner.  They have so much tradition there… it’s a cool place.

SSS.com: After your mom gave her “blessing,” how did you tell the coaches you were coming?  What was their reaction? 
LS: I called Coach Woodard and told him my mom said if Auburn beat Alabama I had her blessing and could commit.  He said “Geez, I’m glad we won in the last second!”

SSS.com: Being only a freshman, what did the coaches say they saw in you enough to offer?
Coach Myers said he thought I was a special player and would make a big impact on the team.

SSS.com: Are you concerned about being so far from home in San Diego? 
LS: No, because I know my parents will be there as much as possible, especially my mom. She’s talking about getting an apartment there (laughs).

SSS.com:  Did you do anything to celebrate the big commitment? 
LS: Yes, we went to my favorite restaurant, Benihana.

SSS.com: Any plans to go back to the campus in the near future? 
LS: I hope to go back once a year for either a football game or a camp or just to visit.


Quick Hitters


What do you want to major in?

What excites you most: getting a big hit, making a great defensive play or stealing a base (and why)?
A big hit because people see my size and they move in so I love hitting the ball over their heads.

Where do you like to go to “get away” or have some alone time? 
I don’t like to be alone.

What’s something that makes you unique or special? 
I’m a great friend and teammate.

Favorite meal:
Bean Burrito.

What would we find playing on your iPod or headphones? 
Jesus Take the Wheel by Carrie Underwood.

What’s guaranteed to make you laugh? 
My dad.

What do you think is the biggest problem facing the world today?
People being judgmental and not accepting of others.

Do you have a motto or favorite saying or phrase you live by?
Play hard or go home.

The Holidays are fast approaching, what’s the No. 1 gift request on your wish list? 
Clothes!  Because I wear a uniform to school everyday.

Describe your feelings about softball in one word: 





*** P/1B Brynne Fitzpatrick (San Jose Lady Sharks)… committed to Cal

When a softball great like Vicky Galindo is high on a player, you listen closely.

Galindo, who’s still active playing for the Chicago Bandits of the NPF as well as serving as head coach softball coach at West Valley College and with the San Jose Lady Sharks 16U team, has done it all: played in the Olympics, won a Gold Medal in the World Championships (2006) and took her Cal team to the World Series.

Brynne Fitzpatrick
Brynne Fitzpatrick

So for her to speak so highly of her player, and the impressive way she does it, speaks highly of both softball players:

“She led our 2013 16U Sharks team to a fifth place finish this last summer at ASA Nationals,” begins Coach Galindo.  “Her dominance on the mound and her ability to positively lead our team was incredible. While she physically dominates from that circle, there is something even more extraordinary about this young girl than just her physical ability. She is one of the toughest athletes I know.”

“I have had the pleasure to coach Brynne for the past year, and through out this year, she has had to deal with more than the average sophomore. Going into her sophomore season, Brynne was faced with an injury.  This kept her from playing most of her high school season, and caused a huge wrinkle in her progress as a pitcher.”

“Most athletes would not be able to bounce back the way that Brynne did, but she did and she did so with a vengeance. She worked harder than I have ever seen anyone her age work.  She was determined, and was not going to be beat.   As someone who has been part of this game for so long and have had my ongoing battles with the love of my life (softball) I can truly appreciate Brynne’s dedication and determination to be the softball player she knew/knows she can be.”

“Pitching is so much more mental than physical and I was able to witness a truly strong and truly competitive young woman this summer.  Beating this injury proved to her that she could do anything.  She did not stop at just recovering, she has fought her way to so much more. Her continued fight allowed her to earn the scholarship of her dreams this fall, the dream of playing softball at Cal.”

“Brynne encompasses what I truly believe an athlete is all about.  It’s not just being able to handle the easy, stress free moments of your sport.  It’s about managing and not giving up on the hard times that come from what we do.”

“She will continue to shine in the circle, up to bat, in the classroom and as a teammate.  She is someone to look up to and someone to admire.  I have been honored to coach her and have enjoyed every minute… especially the tough ones. That’s when her true colors really shine, and that’s when I am even more proud of her as a coach.”

— Vicky Galindo

Note: we interviewed Brandy Bailey, Brynne’s pitching instructor who had a great quote: “Brynne has a rise ball that will chew you up and spit you out!”




*** Amanda Chance, a 2015 pitcher for the Atlanta Vipers-Akins, has committed to Georgia State.

Amanda had an awesome fall, helping Collins Hill High in Suwanne, Ga. win the 6A State Championship in the Peach State’s largest classification making it the fourth state title for the team in the last five years. She was also part of the 2011 championship squad.

Amanda Chance
Amanda Chance

This fall she went 17-3 in the circle with a 1.45 ERA and five shut outs.  The junior also hit .351 with 25 RBI to earn 1st team All-State Pitcher honors as well as Region 7 AAAAAA Pitcher of the Year honors.

The Georgia star played for Team Georgia for two seasons and went to the 16U ASA Nationals in 2012 and 2013 before joining the Vipers this year. She began her travel ball career with the East Cobb Bullets organization, where she attended ASA Nationals in both 2009 at 12U and 2010 at 14U.

According to her mother, Tanya, “Georgia State had been watching Amanda for over a year through travel ball showcases and they watched all of her games at 16U ASA Nationals in California this past summer.  They also watched her numerous times during her high school season this fall.”

The pitcher was invited to the school’s campus in November and received an offer then.

“It was a wonderful experience,” her mother continues.  “She took a couple of weeks to think about her options and she chose Georgia State over another D1 program six hours away.  Staying close to home was important to her and she is glad her family will be able to watch her play ball in college plus Georgia State has lots to offer academically and athletically.”


*** More verbals:

— 1B/UT Victoria Webster (2015, George Mason)… plays for So Cal Breakers
— 1B/3B Brooke Hartman (2016, South Florida)… plays for Central Florida Blazers



Players: fill out our http://www.studentsports.com/softball/2013/08/01/pla/, whether committed or not, and you may see your info used on our site! 


Kwynn Warner
Kwynn Warner

High school: Norco
City: Norco
Grad year: 2015
Club: OC Batbusters-Haning
Position(s):  2B/OF
College: uncommitted (only member of the Batbusters-Haning team who’s uncommitted)
Stats: “I have been out with an injury since my first high school game of my sophomore season on March 8, 2013.
Noteworthy: Kwynne was the starting second baseman on the Corona Angels-Knighten team that finished second at the PGF 2012 16U Nationals.
Scouting Report: Kwynee is a lefty triple threat with speed and has good range at second.  She also can play shortstop.



Players, parents and coaches:  want to know the best way to get us info on your favorite player?  Fill out our Recruit Form link and complete.  It comes directly to me (Brentt) and you very likely could see the info used somewhere on our site!



If you’d like to submit information, forward to brentt@studentsports.com.  Also, follow us on twitter at @SS_Softball.