Q&A with star pitcher Payton Tidd (2/6)

Q&A with star pitcher Payton Tidd (2/6)

Feb 6, 2015 by Brentt Eads
Q&A with star pitcher Payton Tidd (2/6)

As we get ready to release our FAB 50 14U team rankings, one of those that will make the list is the So Cal Athletics – TO team that won the PGF 12U Nationals in 2013 and finished 2nd last year at the Colorado Jr. Sparkler as a first year 14U program.

Payton holds the trophy for winning the 2013 PGF 12U National Championship.

One of the stars of that team is a player we’ll get to know in today’s interview, 2018 pitcher/first baseman Payton Tidd, who you’ll also see in action via a cool video put together by Williams Sports Video.

Payton, who has a 3.75 GPA so far in her young prep career, has pitched and won at the highest levels and it’s been noticed from major colleges in conferences like the Pac-12 and SEC… here’s more on this top player to watch!


FullCountSoftball.com: Tell us about your beginnings in softball and what you love about the sport…
Payton Tidd: I started playing softball when I was seven and fell in love with it.  I love the game itself but am really so grateful for the experiences and friendships that the game has given me.

FCS.com: What have been some of your favorite memories on the field?
PT: Over the last six years I have played travel ball in Southern California with the last 3 1/2 years playing for So Cal Athletics – TO. I am very proud of my team’s accomplishments and can say one of my proudest moments was winning PGF Nationals in the 12U division in 2013.  In the championship game I pitched a one-hit shutout against a tough Arizona Suncats team.   Last season, as a first year 14U team, we placed 2nd in the Colorado Jr. Sparkler, 3rd in ASA 14U Nationals and 7th in PGF 14U Nationals.  The Colorado Sparkler game and the 12U PGF championship game were televised which was really fun.

FCS.com: Do you see yourself as a pitcher primarily or a multi-threat position player too?
PT: My primary position is pitcher and my secondary position is first base.  I love playing the game on all levels, but my real passion is pitching and representing my team in the circle.

The freshman says her change and drop curve are her two "out" pitches.
The freshman says her change and drop curve are her two “out” pitches.

FCS.com: What are your pitches and what is your “go-to” or “out” pitch? 
PT: My pitches are a screwball, curve, rise, change, drop curve and inside drop. My go-to is the change up or drop curve.

FCS.com: Have you had to overcome any injuries or set-backs in sports up until now (knock on wood!)?
PT: Not really.  When I was 10, I hurt my knee playing soccer and had to sit out for a month in my first year of 10U travel ball.

FCS.com: You and some of your club and high school teammates have been together for several years…
PT: I am fortunate to have such amazing teammates and lucky enough to been playing with many of them since our first year of 10U travel ball.  I don’t think many girls get the chance to play with their best friends six years in a row! I am a freshman this year at San Marcos High school and we have just started up our softball season.  I have three of my SoCal Athletic teammates on my high school team and we are really excited to start. They are Alexis Orozco, a short stop and my best friend since third grade, Kenzie Bolin, who plays second base and Terra Testa, who plays center fielder.

FCS.com: Where are you in the recruiting process?
PT: I have a few offers but we are going through the process and enjoying looking at the different universities. I really enjoy speaking to all of the coaches and current players. I have visited Florida, LSU, ASU, Cal, Utah State, Utah, Arizona, UCLA and San Diego State, but I’m not really set on a particular conference. I would love to visit Notre Dame, Michigan and Northwestern.

FCS.com: What do you like to do off the field?
PT: In my free time, I like to hang with my best friends and go hiking and to the movies. I am so busy most of the time, it is also nice to do nothing when I have a day off!

FCS.com: What are your thoughts about high school compared to club ball?
PT: I am not sure as we’re just starting softball, but I played freshman volleyball this year and loved it.  Playing for a school is awesome because there is so much school spirit. And playing the local rival and beating them is super cool.  I think softball will be the same (maybe even better)!

FCS.com: Would you like to do for a career or job post softball? 
PT: Be in Sports Medicine or work as a Veterinarian.

FCS.com: What’s something you’ve done that you look back and say, “Never again!”
PT: I ate snails in France once and almost threw up!

Video Highlights: